IR-1306: (2023) Hashemi, H.,  Zhuang, Y.,  Kothur, S.,  Prasad, S.,  Meij, E. and Croft, W. B. , "Dense Retrieval Adaptation using Target Domain Description," in Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, July 23-27, 2023, pp. 95-104. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1284: (2022) Hashemi, H.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Stochastic Optimization of Text Set Generation for Learning Multiple Query Intent Representations," in Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Conference (CIKM 2022), Hybrid Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 17-21, 2022, pp. 4003-4008. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1268: (2021) Hashemi, H.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning Multiple Intent Representations for Search Queries," in Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '21), Virtual Event, Australia, November 1-5, 2021, pp.669-679. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1263: (2021) Ai, Q.,  Bi, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Asking Clarifying Questions Based on Negative Feedback in Conversational Search," in the Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2021), Virtual Event, Canada. July 11, 2021, pp. 157-166. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1251: (2021) Qu, C.,  Zamani, H.,  Yang, L., Croft, W. B. and Learned-Miller, E., "Passage Retrieval for Outside-Knowledge Visual Question Answering," in Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR). Online. July 11-15, 2021, pp. 1753–1757. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1250: (2024) Lien, Y.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Generalized Weak Supervision for Neural Information Retrieval ," ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), vol. 42, issue 5, April 2024, pp. 1-26. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1243: (2021) Vikraman, L.,  Montazeralghaem, A.,  Hashemi, H., Croft, W. B. and Allan, J., "Passage Similarity and Diversification in Non-factoid Question Answering," in Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, July 11, 2021, pp. 271–280. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1242: (2021) Bi, K.,  Jha, R., Croft, W. B. and Celikyilmaz, A., "AREDSUM: Adaptive Redundancy-Aware Iterative Sentence Ranking for Extractive Document Summarization," to appear in The Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'21), Virtual Event, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 19-23, 2021, pp. 281–291. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1238: (2021) Tavakoli, L.,  Zamani, H.,  Scholer, F., Croft, W. B. and Sanderson, M., "Analysing Clarification in Asynchronous Information-Seeking Conversations," in The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), pp. 449–471. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1236: (2020) Aliannejadi, M.,  Zamani, H.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Context-Aware Target Apps Selection and Recommendation for Enhancing Personal Mobile Assistants," in ACM Transactions on Information Systems Volume 39 Issue 3 July 2021 Article No.: 29 pp 1–30. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1234: (2020) Guo, J.,  Fan, Y.,  Pang, L.,  Yang, L.,  Ai, Q.,  Zamani, H.,  Wu, C., Croft, W. B. and Cheng, X., "A Deep Look into Neural Ranking Models for Information Retrieval," Information Processing and Management, 2020, vol. 57, no. 6. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1229: (2020) Bi, K.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning a Fine-Grained Review-based Transformer Model for Personalized Product Search," in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2021), Virtual Event, Canada. July 11-15, 2021, pp. 123–132. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1226: (2020) Bi, K.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "A Transformer-based Embedding Model for Personalized Product Search," in the Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’20), July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China, pp. 1521–1524. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1225: (2020) Qu, C.,  Yang, L.,  Chen, C., Croft, W. B. ,  Krishna, K. and Iyyer, M., "Weakly-Supervised Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering," in the Proceedings of the 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2021), Lucca, Tuscany, March 28- April 1, 2021, pp.529-543. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1220: (2020) Lien, Y.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Recipe Retrieval with Visual Query of Ingredients," in Proceedings the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2020), Xi’an, China July 25–30, 2020, pp. 1565-1568. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1219: (2019) Hashemi, H. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2019 Conversational Assistance Track," in the Proceedings of Text Retrieval Conference (TREC '19), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA, November 13-15, 2019. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1218: (2020) Hashemi, H.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Guided Transformer: Leveraging Multiple External Sources for Representation Learning in Conversational Search," in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2020), Xi'an, China, July 25-30, 2020, pp. 1131–1140. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1213: (2020) Qu, C.,  Yang, L.,  Chen, C., Croft, W. B. ,  Iyyer, M. and Qiu, M., "Open-Retrieval Conversational Question Answering," in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2020), Xi'an, China, July 25-30, 2020, pp. 539–548. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1210: (2020) Qu, C.,  Xiong, C.,  Zhang, Y.,  Rosset, C., Croft, W. B. and Bennett, P., "Contextual Re-Ranking with Behavior Aware Transformers," in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2020), Xi'an, China, July 25-30, 2020, pp 1589–1592. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1203: (2019) Yang, L.,  Qiu, M.,  Qu, C.,  Chen, C.,  Guo, J.,  Zhang, Y., Croft, W. B. and Chen, H., "IART: Intent-aware Response Ranking with Transformers in Information-seeking Conversation Systems," in the Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW 2020), Taipei, China, April 20-24, 2020, pp. 2592–2598. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1199: (2019) Bi, K.,  Teo, C.,  Dattatreya, Y.,  Mohan, V. and Croft, W. B. , "A Study of Context Dependencies in Multi-page Product Search," in the Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019), Beijing, China, November 03-07, 2019, pp 2333-2336. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1198: (2019) Bi, K.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "Revisiting Iterative Relevance Feedback for Document and Passage Retrieval," presented at SIGIR Workshop on Conversational Interaction Systems (WCIS'19), 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval July 21-25, 2019. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1193: (2019) Qu, C.,  Yang, L.,  Qiu, M.,  Zhang, Y.,  Chen, C., Croft, W. B. and Iyyer, M., "Attentive History Selection for Conversational Question Answering," in the Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019), Beijing, China, November 03-07, 2019, pp. 1391-1400. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1192: (2019) Hashemi, H.,  Aliannejadi, M.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "ANTIQUE: A Non-Factoid Question Answering Benchmark," in The Proceedings, Part II, of the 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-17, 2020, pp. 166-173. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1190: (2019) Hashemi, H.,  Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Performance Prediction for Non-Factoid Question Answering," in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval(ICTIR 2019), Santa Clara, California, October 2-9, 2019, pp. 55-58. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1175: (2019) Qu, C.,  Yang, L.,  Qiu, M., Croft, W. B. ,  Zhang, Y. and Iyyer, M., "BERT with History Answer Embedding for Conversational Question Answering," in the Proceedings of to the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France. July 21-25, 2019, pp. 1133-1136. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1171: (2019) Bi, K.,  Ai, Q.,  Zhang, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Conversational Product Search Based on Negative Feedback," in the Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019), Beijing, China, November 03-07, 2019, pp. 359-368. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1170: (2019) Bi, K.,  Teo, C.,  Dattatreya, Y.,  Mohan, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Leverage Implicit Feedback for Context-aware Product Search," presented in the SIGIR 2019 workshop on eCommerce (ECOM’19) Paris, France, July 25, 2019. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1169: (2019) Aliannejadi, M.,  Zamani, H.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Asking Clarifying Questions in Open-Domain Information-Seeking Conversations," in the Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '19) Paris, France, July 21-25, 2019, pp. 475-484. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1168: (2020) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning a Joint Search and Recommendation Model from User-Item Interactions ," in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Houston, Texas, February 3-7, 2020, pp. 717-725. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1167: (2019) Cohen, D., Croft, W. B. and Jordan, S., "Learning a Better Negative Sampling Policy with Deep Neural Networks for Search," in the Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2019), Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 2-5, 2019, pp. 19-26. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1166: (2019) Yang, L.,  Hu, J.,  Qiu, M.,  Qu, C.,  Gao, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Liu, X.,  Shen, Y. and Liu, J., "A Hybrid Retrieval-Generation Neural Conversation Model," in the Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2019), Beijing, China, November 03-07, 2019, pp.1341–1350. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1163: (2018) Lignos, C.,  Cohen, D.,  Lien, Y.,  Mehta, P., Croft, W. B. and Miller, S., "The Challenges of Optimizing Machine Translation for Low Resource Cross-Language Information Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2019), Hong Kong, November 3–7, 2019, pp. 3488-3493. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1161: (2019) Qu, C.,  Yang, L., Croft, W. B. ,  Scholer, F. and Zhang, Y., "Answer Interaction in Non-factoid Question Answering Systems," in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 19), Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 March, 2019, pp. 249-253. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1159: (2019) Qu, C.,  Ji, F.,  Qiu, M.,  Yang, L.,  Min, Z.,  Chen, H.,  Huang, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning to Selectively Transfer: Reinforced Transfer Learning for Deep Text Matching," in the Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2019), Melbourne, Australia, 11-15 February 2019, pp. 699-707. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1156: (2018) Lien, Y.,  Cohen, D. and Croft, W. B. , "An Assumption-Free Approach to the Dynamic Truncation of Ranked Lists," in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2019), Santa Clara, California, October 02-05, 2019, pp. 79-82. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1153: (2018) Aliannejadi, M.,  Zamani, H.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "In Situ and Context-Aware Target Apps Selection for Unified Mobile Search," in the Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '18), Lingotto, Turin, Italy, October 22-26, 2018, pp. 1383-1392. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1152: (2018) Vikraman, L., Croft, W. B. and OConnor, B., "Exploring Diversification in Non-factoid Question Answering," in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 18) ,Tianjin, China, Sept 14-17, 2018, pp. 223-226. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1151: (2018) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "On the Theory of Weak Supervision for Information Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR '18) Tianjin, China, September 14-18, 2018 pp. 147-154. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1150: (2018) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Joint Modeling and Optimization of Search and Recommendation," in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Design of Experimental Search and Information Retrieval Systems (DESIRES '18) Bertinoro, Italy, August 28-31, 2018, pp. 36-41. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1149: (2018) Cohen, D.,  Jordan, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Distributed Evaluations: Ending Neural Point Metrics," a workshop at SIGIR 18, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, July 8-12, 2018. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1148: (2018) Qu, C.,  Yang, L., Croft, W. B. ,  Zhang, Y.,  Trippas, J. and Qiu, M., "User Intent Prediction in Information-seeking Conversations," in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 19), Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 March, 2019, pp. 25-33. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1145: (2018) Qiu, M.,  Yang, L.,  Feng, J.,  Zhou, W.,  Huang, J.,  Chen, H., Croft, W. B. and Lin, W., "Transfer Learning for Context-Aware Question Matching in Information-seeking Conversation Systems in E-commerce," in the Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, July 15-20, 2018, Melbourne, Australia, p. 2034. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1140: (2018) Qu, C.,  Yang, L., Croft, W. B. ,  Trippas, J.,  Zhang, Y. and Qiu, M., "Analyzing and Characterizing User Intent in Information-seeking Conversations," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 989-992. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1139: (2018) Cohen, D.,  Foley, J.,  Zamani, H.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Universal Approximation Functions for Fast Learning to Rank," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Ann Arbor, MI, Jul. 8-12 2018 (SIGIR’18), pp. 1017-1020. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1135: (2018) Cohen, D.,  Mitra, B.,  Hofmann, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Cross Domain Regularization for Neural Ranking Models using Adversarial Learning," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 1025-1028. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1134: (2018) Yang, L.,  Qiu, M.,  Qu, C.,  Guo, J.,  Zhang, Y., Croft, W. B. ,  Huang, J. and Chen, H., "Response Ranking with Deep Matching Networks and External Knowledge in Information-seeking Conversation Systems," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18) Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 245-254. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1133: (2018) Zhang, Y.,  Chen, X.,  Yang, L.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "Towards Conversational Search and Recommendation: System Ask, User Respond," in the Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '18), Lingotto, Turin, Italy, October 22-26, 2018, pp. 177 - 186. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1132: (2018) Zamani, H.,  Dehghani, M., Croft, W. B. ,  Learned-Miller, E. and Kamps, J., "From Neural Re-Ranking to Neural Ranking: Learning a Sparse Representation for Inverted Indexing," in the Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '18), Lingotto, Turin, Italy, October 22-26, 2018, pp. 497-506. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1131: (2018) Aliannejadi, M.,  Zamani, H.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Target Apps Selection: Towards a Unified Search Framework for Mobile Devices," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18) Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 215-224. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1130: (2018) Zamani, H., Croft, W. B. and Culpepper, J., "Neural Query Performance Prediction using Weak Supervision from Multiple Signals," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18) Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 105-114. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1128: (2018) Ai, Q.,  Zhang, Y.,  Bi, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Explainable Product Search with a Dynamic Relation Embedding Model," in ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), vol. 38, num. 1, October, 2019, pp. 4:1-4:29. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1127: (2018) Ai, Q.,  Bi, K.,  Luo, C.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Unbiased Learning to Rank with Unbiased Propensity Estimation," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18), Ann Arbor Michigan, U.S.A. July 8-12, 2018, pp. 385-394. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1125: (2018) Bi, K.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "Iterative Relevance Feedback for Answer Passage Retrieval with Passage-level Semantic Match," in the Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 19), Cologne, Germany, April 14-18, 2019, pp. 558-572. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1122: (2018) Cohen, D.,  OConnor, B. and Croft, W. B. , "Understanding the Representational Power of Neural Retrieval Models Using NLP Tasks," in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2018), Tianjin, China, September 14-17, 2018, pp. 67-74. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1121: (2018) Ai, Q.,  OConnor, B. and Croft, W. B. , "A Neural Passage Model for Ad-hoc Document Retrieval," European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 18), Grenoble, France, March 26-29, 2018, pp. 537-543. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1118: (2017) Ai, Q.,  Zamani, H.,  Harding, S.,  Naseri, S.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2017 Common Core Track," the Notebook Proceedings of Text REtrieval Conference (TREC '17), November 15-17, 2017. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1114: (2017) Yang, L.,  Zamani, H.,  Zhang, Y.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Neural Matching Models for Question Retrieval and Next Question Prediction in Conversation," presented at the SIGIR 2017 Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval (SIGIR Neu-IR 2017), Tokyo, Japan, August 7-11, 2017. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1112: (2017) Chen, R.,  Yulianti, E.,  Sanderson, M. and Croft, W. B. , "On the Benefit of Incorporating External Features in a Neural Architecture for Answer Sentence Selection," in Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1017-1020, (August 7-11, 2017), pp. 1017-1020. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1111: (2017) Cohen, D., Croft, W. B. and Yang, L., "WikiPassageQA: A Benchmark Collection for Research on Non-factoid Answer Passage Retrieval.," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18) Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 8-12, 2018, pp. 165-168. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1098: (2017) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Relevance-based Word Embedding," in the Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '17) Tokyo, Japan, August 7-11, 2017, pp. 505-514. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1097: (2017) Dehghani, M.,  Zamani, H.,  Severyn, A.,  Kamps, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision," in the Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '17) Tokyo, Japan, August 7-11, 2017, pp. 65-74. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1093: (2017) Zhang, Y.,  Ai, Q.,  Chen, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Joint Representation Learning for Top-N Recommendation with Heterogenous Information Sources," in the Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Singapore, November 06-10, 2017, pp. 1449-1458. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1091: (2017) Ai, Q.,  Zhang, Y.,  Bi, K., Croft, W. B. and Chen, X., "Learning a Hierarchical Embedding Model for Personalized Product Search," in the Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 17), Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017, pp. 645-654. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1089: (2017) Ai, Q.,  Bi, K.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning a Deep Listwise Context Model for Ranking Refinement," in the Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '18), Ann Arbor Michigan, U.S.A. July 8-12, 2018, pp. 135-144. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1084: (2016) Cohen, D. and Croft, W. B. , "A Hybrid Embedding Approach for Noisy Answer Passage Retrieval," in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 18), Grenoble, France, 3/26-29/2018, pp. 127-140. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1079: (2016) Guo, J.,  Ai, Q.,  Fan, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Semantic Matching by Non-Linear Word Transportation for Information Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, October 24-28, 2016, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 701-710. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1078: (2016) Guo, J.,  Fan, Y.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the 25rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, October 24-28, 2016, Indianapolis, IN, pp. 55-64. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1076: (2016) Singh, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Iterative Search using Query Aspects," in the Proceedings of The 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'16), Indianapolis, USA. Oct 24, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016, pp. 2037-2040. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1073: (2016) Ai, Q.,  Yang, L.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Analysis of the Paragraph Vector Model for Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR 16), Newark, DE, USA, September 12-16, 2016, pp. 133-142. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1071: (2016) Yang, L.,  Ai, Q.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "aNMM: Ranking Short Answer Texts with Attention-Based Neural Matching Model," in the Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'16), Indianapolis, USA, October 24-28, 2016, pp. 287-292. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1069: (2016) Cohen, D.,  Ai, Q. and Croft, W. B. , "Adaptability of Neural Networks on Varying Granularity IR Tasks," The International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’16), NeuIR: Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval , Pisa, Italy, July 17-21, 2016. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1066: (2015) Chen, R.,  Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "On Divergence Measures and Static Index Pruning," Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Information Retrieval (ICTIR 2015), Northampton, Massachusetts, September 27 - October 1, 2015, pp. 151-160. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1065: (2016) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Estimating Embedding Vectors for Queries," Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR '16) Newark, DE, USA, September 12-16, 2016, pp. 123-132. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1059: (2016) Cohen, D. and Croft, W. B. , "End to End Long Short Term Memory Networks for Non-Factoid Question Answering," in the Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA September 12-16, 2016, pp. 143-146. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1058: (2016) Ai, Q.,  Yang, L.,  Guo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving Language Estimation with the Paragraph Vector Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval," Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 16), Pisa, Italy. pp. 869-872. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1056: (2016) Zamani, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Embedding-based Query Language Models," Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR '16) Newark, DE, USA, September 12-16, 2016, pp. 147-156. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1055: (2016) Zamani, H.,  Dadashkarimi, J.,  Shakery, A. and Croft, W. B. , "Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Based on Matrix Factorization," in the Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2016), Indanapolis, IN October 24-28, 2016, pp. 1483-1492. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1046: (2015) Fisher, D.,  Jain, A.,  Keikha, M., Croft, W. B. and Lipka, N., "Evaluating Ranking Diversity and Summarization in Microblogs using Hashtags," CIIR Tech Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1045: (2016) Yang, L.,  Guo, Q.,  Song, Y.,  Meng, S.,  Shokouhi, M.,  McDonald, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling User Interests for Zero-query Ranking," Proceedings of the 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016), Padova, Italy, March 20-23, 2016, pp. 171-184. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1035: (2015) Park, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Using Key Concepts in a Translation Model for Retrieval," Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2015), Santiago, Chile, August 9-13, 2015, pp. 927-930. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1028: (2015) Yang, L.,  Ai, Q.,  Spina, D.,  Chen, R.,  Pang, L., Croft, W. B. ,  Guo, J. and Scholer, F., "Beyond Factoid QA: Effective Methods for Non-factoid Answer Sentence Retrieval," in The Proceedings of 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2016), Padova, Italy, March 20-23, 2016, pp. 115-128. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1025: (2015) Lee, C.,  Ai, Q., Croft, W. B. and Sheldon, D., "An Optimization Framework for Merging Multiple Result Lists," Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 303-312. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-1004: (2014) Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Parameters Learned in the Comparison of Retrieval Models using Term Dependencies," Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-989: (2014) Keikha, M.,  Park, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Answer Passages using Summarization Measures," Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 6-11 July 2014, pp. 963-966. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-988: (2014) Keikha, M.,  Park, J., Croft, W. B. and Sanderson, M., "Retrieving Passages and Finding Answers," in Proceedings of the 2014 Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS), p. 81-84. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-987: (2014) Kim, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Diversifying Query Suggestions Based on Query Documents," Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, July 6-11, Gold Coast, Australia, 891-894. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-986: (2014) Can, E., Croft, W. B. and Manmatha, R., "Incorporating Query-Specific Feedback into Learning-to-Rank Models," Proceedings of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR conference (SIGIR 2014), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 6-11, 2014, pp. 1035-1038. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-978: (2014) Kim, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving Patent Search by Search Result Diversification," Proceedings of ICTIR 2015, Northampton, Massachusetts, Sept. 27-30, 2015, pp. 201-210. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-976: (2014) Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Window Extraction for Information Retrieval," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-975: (2014) Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Efficient Execution of Dependency Models," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-964: (2013) Keikha, M.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Generalizing Diversity Detection in Blog Feed Retrieval," ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2013), San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27th-Nov. 1st, 2013, pp. 1201-1204. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-950: (2013) Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "A Comparison of Retrieval Models using Term Dependencies," Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'14), Shanghai, China, November 3-7, 2014, pp.111-120. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-946: (2013) Maxwell, K.,  Oberlander, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Feature-Based Selection of Dependency Paths in Ad Hoc Information Retrieval," Proccedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013, pp. 507-516. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-943: (2013) Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Building a Web Test Collection using Social Media," Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference Dublin, Ireland, July 28-Aug 1, 2013, pp. 757-760. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-941: (2013) Huston, S.,  Culpepper, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Indexing Word-Sequences for Ranked Retrieval," ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 2014, volume 32, Issue 1, article 3. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-937: (2013) Dietz, L.,  Wang, Z.,  Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieving Opinions from Discussion Forums," Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2013) CIKM 2013, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27-Nov.1, 2013, pp. 1225-1228. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-935: (2013) Maxwell, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Compact query term selection using topically related text," Proceedings of 36th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference Dublin, Ireland, July 28-Aug 1, 2013, pp. 583-592. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-929: (2013) Croft, W. B. and Dang, V., "Term Level Search Result Diversification," Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2013), Dublin, Ireland, July 28-August 1, 2013, pp. 603-612. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-927: (2013) Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Cross-Language Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Techniques for Informal Text," Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), April 13-16, 2014, Amsterdam, pp. 260-272. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-923: (2013) Dang, V.,  Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Two-Stage Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the Annual European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013), pp. 423-434. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-911: (2012) Park, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Passage-level Evidence for Cross-Language Information Retrieval," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-908: (2012) Choi, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Temporal Models for Microblogs," Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012), pp. 2491-2494. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-901: (2012) Croft, W. B. and Sanderson, M., "The History of Information Retrieval Research," Proceedings of the IEEE, 100th Anniversary Issue, vol 100, May 13, 2012, pp. 1444-1451. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-900: (2012) Choi, M.,  Kim, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Dependency Trigram Model for Social Relation Extraction from News Articles," a poster presentation at SIGIR 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 12-16, 2012. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-898: (2012) Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Moffat, A. and Sanderson, M., "Frontiers, Challenges, and Opportunities for Information Retrieval: Report from SWIRL 2012," SIGIR Forum, 46(1):2-32, June 2012 (Allan et al, editors). [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-886: (2012) Kim, J. and Croft, W. B. , "A Field Relevance Model for Structured Document Retrieval," Proceedings of the 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), pp. 97-108. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-885: (2012) Dang, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Diversity by Proportionality: An Election-based Approach to Search Result Diversification," Proceedings of the 35th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2012), pp. 65-74. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-884: (2012) Keikha, M.,  Crestani, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Diversity-based Blog Feed Retrieval," Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012), pp. 525-534. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-883: (2012) Choi, J., Croft, W. B. and Kim, J., "Quality Models for Microblog Retrieval," Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012), pp. 1834-1838. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-881: (2012) Kim, Y.,  Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Automatic suggestion of phrasal-concept queries for literature search," Information Processing and Management, 50 (2014) 568–583. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-880: (2012) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Generating Reformulation Trees for Complex Queries," Proceedings of the 35th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2012), pp. 525-534. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-875: (2012) Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Incorporating Social Anchors for Ad Hoc Retrieval," Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Open Research Areas in Information Retrieval(RAIO), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 181-188. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-874: (2012) Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling Higher-Order Term Dependencies in Information Retrieval using Query Hypergraphs," Proceedings of the 35th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2012), pp. 941-950. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-873: (2012) Huston, S.,  Culpepper, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Sketch-based Indexing of n-Words," Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2012), pp. 1864-1868. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-868: (2012) Li, H.,  Xu, G., Croft, W. B. ,  Bendersky, M.,  Wang, Z. and Viegas, E., "QRU-1: A Public Dataset for Promoting Query Representation and Understanding Research," Workshop on Web Search Click Data, February 12, 2012, Seattle, Washingtion, USA (WSCD 2012). [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-865: (2012) Huston, S., Croft, W. B. and McGregor, A., "Filtered Dynamic Indexing of Text Streams," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-860: (2011) Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Search in Personal Social Media Collections," Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2012). pp. 683-692. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-849: (2011) Kim, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Evaluating an Associative Browsing Model by Simulation," Evaluating an Associative Browsing Model by Simulation. Jinyoung Kim, W. Bruce Croft, David A. Smith. In Proceedings of HCIR'11, Mountain View, CA, USA. ACM, 2011. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-847: (2011) Dang, V.,  Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Inferring Query Aspects from Reformulations Using Clustering," Proceedings of The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), pp. 2117-2120. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-846: (2011) Bendersky, M.,  Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Effective Query Formulation with Multiple Information Sources," Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Seattle, WA, pp. 443-452. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-829: (2011) Uysal, I. and Croft, W. B. , "User Oriented Tweet Ranking: A Filtering Approach to Microblogs," to appear in the Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '11), Glasgow, UK, October 24-28, 2011. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-827: (2011) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling Subset Distributions for Verbose Queries," Proceedings of the 34th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR'11), pp. 1133-1334. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-824: (2011) Bendersky, M., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Joint Annotation of Search Queries," Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (ACL-HLT 2011), pp. 102-111. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-822: (2011) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Online Community Search Using Conversational Structures," Information Retrieval, Volume 14, Issue 6 (2011), Page 547-571. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-815: (2011) Kim, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Smith, D. and Bakalov, A., "Evaluating an Associative Browsing Model for Personal Information," Proceedings of The International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management conference (CIKM '11), pp. 647-652. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-813: (2011) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling Reformulation Using Query Distributions," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 31, number 2, May 2013, pp. 6:1-6:34. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-811: (2011) Kim, Y.,  Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Automatic Boolean Query Suggestion for Professional Search," Proceedings of SIGIR '11, pp. 825-834. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-810: (2011) Lee, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Generating Queries from User-Selected Text," Proceedings of IIIX 2012, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, pp. 100-109. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-806: (2011) Park, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Quasi-Synchronous Dependence Model for Information Retrieval," Proceedings of The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), pp. 17-26. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-805: (2011) Bendersky, M.,  Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Parameterized Concept Weighting in Verbose Queries," Proceedings of the 34th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR'11), pp. 605-614. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-804: (2011) Dang, V., Croft, W. B. and McGregor, A., "Query Suggestion Using Anchor Text," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-799: (2010) Bendersky, M.,  Fisher, D. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2010 Web Track: Term Dependence, Spam Filtering and Quality Bias," Proceedings of Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2010),Gaithersburg, MD, November 15-19, 2010. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-790: (2010) Dang, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Feature Selection for Document Ranking using Best First Search and Coordinate Ascent," a workshop presented at the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-23 July 2010. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-789: (2010) Kim, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Personal Search Using Games," SIGIR '10 Workshop on Desktop Search, July 23, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-788: (2010) Xue, X.,  Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving Verbose Queries using Subset Distribution," Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), pp. 1059-1068. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-787: (2010) Xue, X., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Modeling Reformulation Using Passage Analysis," Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,(CIKM 2010), pp. 1497-1500. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-786: (2010) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Representing Queries as Distributions," a workshop at the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010)Geneva, Switzerland, online proceeding pp. 9-12. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-785: (2010) Kim, J.,  Bakalov, A.,  Smith, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Building a Semantic Representation for Personal Information," Proceedings of CIKM'10, pp. 1741-1744. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-783: (2010) Bendersky, M., Croft, W. B. and Diao, Y., "Quality-Biased Ranking of Web Documents," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2011), pp. 95-104. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-777: (2011) Huston, S.,  Moffat, A. and Croft, W. B. , "Efficient Indexing of Repeated n-Grams," Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), pp.127-136. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-764: (2010) Croft, W. B. and Bendersky, M., "Do Longer Queries Retrieve More Diverse Results?," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-762: (2010) Park, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Term Ranking based on Dependency Parsing of Verbose Queries," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference, pp. 829-830. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-761: (2010) Chiu, S.,  Uysal, I. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Text Reuse Discovery on the Web," Proceedings of Information Interaction in Context Symposium 2010 (IIiX 2010), pp. 299-304. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-760: (2010) Dang, V.,  Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning to Rank Query Reformulations," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), pp. 807-808. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-759: (2010) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Unsupervised Estimation of Dirichlet Smoothing Parameters," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), pp. 759-760. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-753: (2010) Kim, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Ranking using Multiple Document Types in Desktop Search," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 50-57. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-752: (2010) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Geometric Representations for Multiple Documents," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), pp. 251-258. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-751: (2010) Bendersky, M., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Structural Annotation of Search Queries Using Pseudo-Relevance Feedback," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), pp. 1537-1540. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-739: (2009) Bendersky, M.,  Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Learning Concept Importance Using a Weighted Dependence Model," Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2010), pp. 31-40. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-738: (2009) Dang, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Reformulation Using Anchor Text," Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2010, pp. 41-50. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-737: (2010) Huston, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Verbose Query Processing Techniques," Proceedings of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 291-298. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-734: (2009) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Automatic Query Generation for Patent Search," Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), pp. 2037-2040. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-733: (2010) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Kim, K. and Lee, J., "Smoothing Click Counts for Aggregated Vertical Search," Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011), pp. 387-398. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-732: (2009) Kim, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Building Pseudo-Desktop Collections," SIGIR Workshop on the Future of IR Evaluation, July 23, 2009, Boston. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-731: (2009) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Thread-based Expert Finding," SIGIR 2009 Workshop on Search in Social Media (SSM 2009) Boston, Massachusetts, July 23, 2009. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-720: (2009) Dang, V.,  Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Context-based Quasi-Synonym Extraction," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-717: (2009) Bendersky, M.,  Smith, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Two-Stage Query Segmentation for Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the 32nd International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '09), pp.810-811. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-714: (2009) Xue, X.,  Dang, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Substitution based on N-gram Analysis," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-712: (2009) Eguchi, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Structuring and Expansion with Two-stage Term Dependence for Japanese Web Retrieval," Information Retrieval, Vol.12, No.3, pp.251-274, Springer Netherlands, 2009. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-711: (2009) Huang, X. and Croft, W. B. , "A Unified Relevance Model for Opinion Retrieval," Proceedings of CIKM 2009, pp. 947-956. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-710: (2009) Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Transforming Patents into Prior-Art Queries," Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGIR conference, pp. 808-809. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-709: (2009) Kim, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieval Experiments using Pseudo-Desktop Collections," Proceedings of CIKM 2009, pp. 1297-1306. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-704: (2009) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Online Community Search Using Thread Structure," Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), pp. 1907-1910. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-701: (2009) Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Analysis of Long Queries in a Large Scale Search Log," Proceedings of the Workshop on Web Search Click Data (WSCD 2009), pp. 8-14. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-699: (2008) Kim, J.,  Xue, X. and Croft, W. B. , "A Probabilistic Retrieval Model for Semistructured Data," Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Retrieval(ECIR 09), PP. 228-239. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-695: (2009) Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Finding Text Reuse on the Web," Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2009), pp. 262-271. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-694: (2009) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2008 Blog Distillation Task," in the electronic Proceedings of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) 2008, Gaithersburg MD, Nov. 18-21, 2008. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-691: (2008) Lease, M.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Regression Rank: Learning to Meet the Opportunity of Descriptive Queries," Proceedings of ECIR'09: 31st European Conference on Information Retrieval, pp. 90-101. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-679: (2009) Petkova, D., Croft, W. B. and Diao, Y., "Refining keyword queries for XML retrieval by combining content and structure ," Proceedings of the 31st European Confrence on IR Research (ECIR 2009), pp. 662-669. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-654: (2008) Lee, K., Croft, W. B. and Allan, J., "A Cluster-Based Resampling Method for Pseudo- Relevance Feedback," Proceedings of the 31st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 08), pp. 235-242. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-653: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Local Text Reuse Detection," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2008), pp. 571-578. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-652: (2008) Xue, X.,  Jeon, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieval Models for Question and Answer Archives," Proceedings of the 31st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 08), pp. 475-482. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-651: (2008) Bendersky, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Discovering Key Concepts in Verbose Queries," Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 08), pp. 491-498. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-636: (2007) Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Weighted Information Gain and User Clicks on Web Search Results," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-632: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2007 Blog Distillation Task," in the electronic Proceedings of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) 2007 Gaithersburg, MD, November 6-9, 2007. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-626: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Blog Site Search Using Resource Selection ," Proceedings of the ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 1053-1062. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-595: (2007) Balasubramanian, N.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "A Comparison of Sentence Retrieval Techniques," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR-07) , pp. 513-514. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-594: (2007) Yi, X.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Matching Resumes and Jobs Based on Relevance Models," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2007), pp. 809-810. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-590: (2007) Strohman, T., Croft, W. B. and Jensen, D., "Recommending Citations for Academic Papers," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 07), pp. 705-706. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-573: (2007) Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Performance Prediction in Web Search Environments ," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 07), pp. 543-550. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-570: (2007) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Homepage Search in Blog Collections," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-568: (2007) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Text Representations for Retrieval of the Best Group of Documents," in the Proceedings of ECIR '08, Glasgow, Scotland, pp.454-462. [View bibtex]
IR-567: (2007) Petkova, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Proximity-based Document Representation for Named Entity Retrieval," in Proceedings of the ACM Sixteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2007), pp. 731-740. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-565: (2007) Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "Efficient Document Retrieval in Main Memory," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 07), pp.175-182. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-562: (2008) Metzler, D.,  Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "A Statistical View of Binned Retrieval Models," Proceedings of ECIR 2008, pp. 175-186. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-553: (2006) Wei, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Investigating Retrieval Performance with Manually-Built Topic Models," in the Proceedings of RIAO 2007 - 8th Conference - Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound), paper number 12. [View bibtex]
IR-547: (2006) Wei, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling Term Associations for Ad-hoc Retrieval Performance within Language Modeling Framework," Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007), pp. 52-63. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-546: (2006) Petkova, D. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass Notebook TREC 2006: Enterprise Track," in the TREC 2006 Conference Notebook, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 14-17, 2006. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-543: (2006) Metzler, D.,  Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri at TREC 2006: Lessons Learned From Three Terabyte Tracks ," in the online Proceedings of TREC 2006, Gaithersburg, MD, November 14-17, 2006, [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-532: (2006) Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Ranking Robustness: A Novel Framework to Predict Query Performance," in the Proceedings of the ACM 15th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), pp. 567-574. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-527: (2006) Petkova, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Hierarchical Language Models for Expert Finding in Enterprise Corpora," in the Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 599-606. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-508: (2006) Eguchi, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Boosting Relevance Model Performance with Query Term Dependence," a poster at the ACM 15th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), Arlington, VA, November 6-11, 2006. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-505: (2006) Shah, C., Croft, W. B. and Jensen, D., "Representing Documents with Named Entities for Story Link Detection (SLD)," a poster presentation at the ACM Fifteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 2006, Arlington VA, November 6-11, 2006. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-504: (2007) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Latent Concept Expansion Using Markov Random Fields," in the Proceedings of the 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, pp. 311-318. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-503: (2006) Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "Low Latency Index Maintenance in Indri," in the Proceedings of the Open Source Information Retrieval Workshop (OSIR) 2006, pp. 7-11. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-500: (2006) Murdock, V.,  Kelly, D., Croft, W. B. ,  Belkin, N. and Yuan, X., "Identifying and Improving Retrieval for Procedural Questions," in Information Processing & Management Volume 43 no. 1, pages 181-203. January 2007. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-493: (2006) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Representing Clusters for Retrieval," Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2006), pp. 671-672. [View bibtex]
IR-491: (2006) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Beyond Bags of Words: Modeling Implicit User Preferences in Information Retrieval," in the electronic proceedings of AAAI'06 Nectar Track conference, Boston, MA, July 16-20, 2006. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-484: (2006) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Modeling Query Term Dependencies in Information Retrieval with Markov Random Fields," NESCAI 2006, April 28-29, 2006, Ithaca, NY. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-480: (2006) Metzler, D.,  Strohman, T.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri at TREC 2005: Terabyte Track," the Online Proceedings of 2005 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005). For an earlier version, see IR-449. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-479: (2006) Metzler, D.,  Diaz, F.,  Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "Using Mixtures of Relevance Models for Query Expansion," the Online Proceedings of 2005 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005). For an earlier version, see IR-450. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-478: (2006) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Experiments on Retrieval of Optimal Clusters," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-477: (2006) Eguchi, K. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Structuring with Two-stage Term Dependence in the Japanese Language," Information Retrieval Technology: Third Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, AIRS 2006, Singapore, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4182, pp.522-529, Springer. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-471: (2006) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving Novelty Detection for General Topics Using Sentence Level Information Patterns," in the Proceedings of ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp.238 - 247. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-469: (2006) Jeon, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Lee, J. and Park, S., "A Framework to Predict the Quality of Answers with Non-Textual Features," Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2006), pp. 228-235. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-466: (2006) Strohman, T., Croft, W. B. and Jensen, D., "Recommending Citations for Academic Papers," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-464: (2006) Wei, X. and Croft, W. B. , "LDA-Based Document Models for Ad-hoc Retrieval," Proceedings of the 29th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2006), pp. 178-185. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-450: (2005) Metzler, D.,  Diaz, F.,  Strohman, T. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass Robust 2005 Notebook: Using Mixture of Relevance Models for Query Expansion," the TREC 2005 Notebook, pp. 839-840. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-449: (2005) Metzler, D.,  Strohman, T.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri at TREC 2005: Terabyte Track (Notebook Version)," the TREC 2005 Notebook, pp. 175-180. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-448: (2007) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Linear Feature-Based Models for Information Retrieval," in Information Retrieval, 10(3), 257-274, 2007. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-446: (2005) Allan, J., Croft, W. B. and Callan, J., "The University of Massachusetts and a Dozen TRECs," TREC Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval, Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna K. Harman, ed., MIT Press, chapter 11, pp. 261-286. (Online version not available.) [View bibtex]
IR-442: (2005) Jeon, J., Croft, W. B. and Lee, J., "Finding Similar Questions in Large Question and Answer Archives," Proceedings of ACM Fourteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 84-90. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-439: (2005) Murdock, V. and Croft, W. B. , "A Translation Model for Sentence Retrieval," Proceedings of the Conference on Human Language Technologies and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP), pp. 684-691. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-435: (2005) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Novelty Detection Based on Sentence Level Patterns," the Proceedings of ACM Fourteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 744-751. [View bibtex]
IR-432: (2005) Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Document Quality Models for Web Ad Hoc Retrieval," the Proceedings of CIKM 2005, pp. 331-334. A longer version is also available. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-431: (2005) Liu, X., Croft, W. B. and Koll, M., "Finding Experts in Community-based Question-Answering Services," the Proceedings of CIKM 2005, pp.315-318. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-429: (2005) Metzler, D., Croft, W. B. and McCallum, A., "Direct Maximization of Rank-Based Metrics for Information Retrieval," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-424: (2005) Croft, W. B. and Wei, X., "Context-Based Topic Models for Query Modification," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-421: (2005) Metzler, D.,  Bernstein, Y., Croft, W. B. ,  Moffat, A. and Zobel, J., "Similarity Measures for Tracking Information Flow," the Proceedings of CIKM 2005, pp. 517-524. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-420: (2005) Metzler, D.,  Bernstein, Y., Croft, W. B. ,  Moffat, A. and Zobel, J., "The Recap System for Identifying Information Flow," Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2005), a demonstration, p. 678. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-416: (2005) Strohman, T.,  Metzler, D.,  Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri: A language model-based search engine for complex queries," the online proceedings at, presented as a poster at the International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McLean, VA, May 2-6, 2005. [View bibtex]
IR-412: (2005) Zhou, Y.,  Levine, B. and Croft, W. B. , "Distributed Information Retrieval For Disruption-Tolerant Mobile Networks," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-410: (2005) Jeon, J., Croft, W. B. and Lee, J., "Finding Semantically Similar Questions Based on Their Answers," Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, pp. 617-618. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-407: (2005) Strohman, T.,  Metzler, D.,  Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri: A language-model based search engine for complex queries (extended version)," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-405: (2005) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Smucker, M. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Novelty and HARD," the Online Proceedings of 2004 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004) [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-401: (2005) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving the Robustness of Relevance-Based Language Models," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-398: (2005) Metzler, D.,  Strohman, T.,  Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Indri at TREC 2004: Terabyte Track," the Online Proceedings of 2004 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004). [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-394: (2005) Strohman, T.,  Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Optimization Strategies for Complex Queries," Proceedings of SIGIR 2005, pp. 219-225. [View bibtex]
IR-387: (2005) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "A Markov Random Field Model for Term Dependencies," Proceedings of the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '05), pp. 472-479. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-378: (2004) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Metzler, D.,  Smucker, M.,  Strohman, T.,  Turtle, H. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Notebook ," Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004). [View bibtex]
IR-375: (2004) Cronen-Townsend, S.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "A Framework for Selective Query Expansion," Proceedings of CIKM '04, pp.236-237. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-372: (2004) Corrada-Emmanuel, A. and Croft, W. B. , "Answer Models for Question Answering Passage Retrieval," Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, pp. 516-517. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-371: (2006) Cronen-Townsend, S.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Precision Prediction Based on Ranked List Coherence," Journal Information Retrieval, Volume 9, Number 6 / December, 2006, pp.723-755. No electronic copy available. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-367: (2004) Zhou, Y., Croft, W. B. and Levine, B., "Content-based search in peer-to-peer networks ," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-366: (2004) Murdock, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Simple Translation Models for Sentence Retrieval in Factoid Question Answering," Proceedings of the SIGIR Workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering, pp.31-35. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-364: (2004) Wei, X., Croft, W. B. and McCallum, A., "Table Extraction for Question Answering," Journal of Information Retrieval, November, 2006, vol. 9, Number 5, pp. 589-611. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-359: (2004) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "An Answer Updating Approach to Novelty Detection," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-356: (2003) Allan, J.,  Aslam, J.,  Belkin, N.,  Buckley, C.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Dumais, S.,  Fuhr, N.,  Harman, D.,  Harper, D.,  Hiemstra, D.,  Hofmann, T.,  Hovy, E.,  Kraaij, W.,  Lafferty, J.,  Lavrenko, V.,  Lewis, D.,  Liddy, L.,  Manmatha, R.,  McCallum, A.,  Ponte, J.,  Prager, J.,  Radev, D.,  Resnik, P.,  Robertson, S.,  Rosenfeld, R.,  Roukos, S.,  Sanderson, M.,  Schwartz, R.,  Singhal, A.,  Smeaton, A.,  Turtle, H.,  Voorhees, E.,  Weischedel, R.,  Xu, J. and Zhai, C., "Challenges in Information Retrieval Language Modeling," SIGIR Forum, Spring 2003, Volume 37 Number 1. [View bibtex]
IR-352: (2004) Metzler, D.,  Lavrenko, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Formal Multiple-Bernoulli Models for Language Modeling," Proceedings of SIGIR '04, pp. 540-541, presented as a poster. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-351: (2004) Liu, X., Croft, W. B. ,  Oh, P. and Hart, D., "Automatic Recognition of Reading Levels from User Queries," Proceedings of SIGIR '04, pp. 548-549, presented a poster. [View bibtex]
IR-349: (2004) Wei, X., Croft, W. B. and Pinto, D., "Question Answering Performance on Table Data," Proceedings of the National Conference on Digital Government Research (Dg.O 2004), pp. 415-416. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-347: (2004) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Cluster-Based Retrieval Using Language Models," Proceedings of SIGIR '04, pp. 186-193. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-344: (2004) Shah, C. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating High Accuracy Retrieval Techniques," Proceedings of SIGIR '04, pp. 2-9. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-338: (2004) Cronen-Townsend, S.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "A Language Modeling Framework for Selective Query Expansion.," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-337: (2004) Wei, X., Croft, W. B. and Pinto, D., "Answer Retrieval From Extracted Tables," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-334: (2004) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Novelty Detection via Answer Updating," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-327: (2003) Carterette, B.,  Allan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Ranking Document Retrieval Systems with BLEU," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-323: (2005) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Analysis of Statistical Question Classification for Fact-based Questions," Information Retrieval, 8(3), 481-504, 2005. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-318: (2004) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Statistical Language Modeling For Information Retrieval," The Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, vol. 39, pp. 3-31. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-316: (2003) Metzler, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Combining the Language Model and Inference Network Approaches to Retrieval," Information Processing and Management Special Issue on Bayesian Networks and Information Retrieval, 40(5), pp.735-750. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-314: (2003) Zhang, H., Croft, W. B. and Levine, B., "Efficient Topologies and Search Algorithms For Peer-to-Peer Context Sharing," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-299: (2003) Nallapati, R., Croft, W. B. and Allan, J., "Relevant Query Feedback in Statistical Language Modeling," Proceedings of CIKM ’03, pp. 560-563. [View bibtex]
IR-297: (2003) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Time-Based Language Models," Proceedings of CIKM ’03, pp. 469-475. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-286: (2003) Lavrenko, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Relevance Models in Information Retrieval," Language Modeling for Information Retrieval, W. Bruce Croft and John Lafferty, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 2. No electronic copy available. [View bibtex]
IR-283: (2003) Corrada-Emmanuel, A., Croft, W. B. and Murdock, V., "Answer Passage Retrieval for Question Answering," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-282: (2003) Cronen-Townsend, S.,  Corrada-Emmanuel, A. and Croft, W. B. , "Predicting Question Effectiveness," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-277: (2003) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Time-Based Language Models," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-276: (2003) Pinto, D.,  McCallum, A.,  Wei, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Table Extraction Using Conditional Random Fields," Proceedings of SIGIR ’03 Conference, pp. 235-242. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-274: (2003) Croft, W. B. and Lafferty, J., "Language Modeling for Information Retrieval ," Kluwer International Series on Information Retrieval, Volume 13, Kluwer Academic Publishers. No hardcopy available, acquisition information web address: [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-271: (2002) Lawrie, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Generating Hierarchical Summaries for Web Searches," Proceedings of SIGIR ’03 Conference, pp. 457-458. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-268: (2002) Liu, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Passage Retrieval Based On Language Models," Proceedings of CIKM ’02 conference, pp. 375-382. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-263: (2002) Kelly, D.,  Murdock, V.,  Yuan, X., Croft, W. B. and Belkin, N., "Features of Documents Relevant to Task- and Fact-Oriented Questions," Proceedings of CIKM ’02 conference, pp. 645-647. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-252: (2002) Murdock, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Task-Orientation in Question Answering," Proceedings of SIGIR 2002, pp. 355-356. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-251: (2002) Lavrenko, V.,  Choquette, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Cross-Lingual Relevance Models," Proceedings of SIGIR 2002, Tampere, pp. 175-182. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-250: (2002) Cronen-Townsend, S.,  Zhou, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "Predicting Query Performance," Proceedings of SIGIR 2002, pp. 299-306. [View bibtex]
IR-246: (2002) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "The Impact of Syntactic Evidence on the Effectiveness of Question Answering," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-244: (2002) Pinto, D.,  Branstein, M.,  Coleman, R.,  King, M.,  Li, W.,  Wei, X. and Croft, W. B. , "QuASM: A System for Question Answering Using Semi-Structured Data," Proceedings of the JCDL 2002 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 46-55. [View bibtex]
IR-241: (2002) Cronen-Townsend, S. and Croft, W. B. , "Quantifying Query Ambiguity," Proceedings of HLT 2002, pp. 94-98. [View bibtex]
IR-239: (2001) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Incorporating Syntactic Information in Question Answering," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-230: (2001) Croft, W. B.,  Cronen-Townsend, S. and Lavrenko, V., "Relevance Feedback and Personalization: A Language Modeling Perspective," Proceedings of the DELOS-NSF Workshop on Personalization and Recommender Systems Digital Libraries, pp. 49-54. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-227: (2001) Li, X. and Croft, W. B. , "Evaluating Question Answering Techniques in Chinese," HLT 2001 Notebook Proceedings, pp. 201-206. [View bibtex]
IR-225: (2001) Lavrenko, V. and Croft, W. B. , "Relevance-Based Language Models," Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 01 conference, pp. 120-127. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-223: (2001) Lawrie, D., Croft, W. B. and Rosenberg, A., "Finding Topic Words for Hierarchical Summarization," Proceedings of SIGIR 01 conference, pp. 349-357. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-217: (2000) Allan, J.,  Connell, M., Croft, W. B. ,  Feng, F.,  Fisher, D. and Li, X., "INQUERY and TREC-9," Proceedings of TREC-9, pp. 551-577. [View bibtex]
IR-193: (2000) Xu, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Topic-Based Language Models for Distributed Retrieval," Advances Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the CIIR, W. Bruce Croft, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 6, pp. 151-172. (Online version not available.). [View bibtex]
IR-188: (2000) Croft, W. B., "Combining Approaches to Information Retrieval," Advances Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the CIIR, W. Bruce Croft, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 1, pp. 1-36. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-187: (2000) Feng, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Probabalistic Techniques for Phrase Extraction," Information Processing and Management, March 2001, vol. 37, No.2, pp. 199-220. [View bibtex]
IR-184: (1999) Pickens, J. and Croft, W. B. , "An Exploratory Analysis of Phrases in Text Retrieval," Proceedings of RIAO 2000 Conference, Paris, pp. 1179-1195. [View bibtex]
IR-183: (1999) Lawrie, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Discovering and Comparing Topic Hierarchies.," Proceedings of RIAO 2000 Conference, Paris, pp. 314-330. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-173: (1999) Aronow, D.,  Feng, F. and Croft, W. B. , "Ad-Hoc Classification of Radiology Reports," The Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association(JAMIA), pp. 393-411. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-171: (1999) Song, F. and Croft, W. B. , "A General Language Model for Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (CIKM99), Kansas City, MO, November 2-6, 1999. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-170: (1997) Adriani, M. and Croft, W. B. , "The Effectiveness of a Dictionary-Based Technique for Indonesian-English Cross-Language Text Retrieval," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-169: (1997) Adriani, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieval Effectiveness of Various Indexing Techniques On Indonesian News Articles," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-156: (1999) Sanderson, M. and Croft, W. B. , "Deriving structure from texts," the 22nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR 99), pp. 206-213. [View bibtex]
IR-153: (1999) Xu, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Cluster-based Language Models For Distributed Retrieval," Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR 99), pp. 254-261. [View bibtex]
IR-144: (1998) Shneiderman, B.,  Byrd, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Sorting out Searching: A User-Interface Framework for Text Searches," CACM 41, 4 (April 1998), pp. 95-98. [View bibtex]
IR-143: (1998) Xu, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Improving the Effectiveness of Informational Retrieval with Local Context Analysis," ACM TOIS, January 2000, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 79-112. [View bibtex]
IR-129: (1998) Ballesteros, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Resolving Ambiguity for Cross-Language Retrieval," SIGIR 98, pp. 64-71. [View bibtex]
IR-120: (1998) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval," SIGIR 98, pp. 275-281. [View bibtex]
IR-118: (1997) Allan, J.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Ballesteros, L.,  Byrd, D.,  Swan, R. and Xu, J., "INQUERY does battle with TREC-6," Proceedings of TREC-6 , pp. 169-206. [View bibtex]
IR-115: (1997) Harding, S., Croft, W. B. and Weir, C., "Probabilistic Retrieval of OCR Degraded Text Using N-Grams," Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries , Carol Peters and Costantino Thanos, Editors,1997. pp. 345-359. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-111: (1997) Allan, J.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Ballesteros, L.,  Broglio, J.,  Xu, J. and Shu, H., "INQUERY at TREC-5," The Fifth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5), NIST special publication 500-238, pp. 119-132, November 1997. [View bibtex]
IR-109: (1997) Weir, C.,  Taylor, S.,  Harding, S. and Croft, W. B. , "The Skeleton Document Image Retrieval System," SDIUT ‘97, pp. 8-14. [View bibtex]
IR-107: (1997) Shneiderman, B.,  Byrd, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Clarifying Search A User-InterfaceFramework for Text Searches," D-Lib Magazine, January 15,1997. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-105: (1997) Pyreddy, P. and Croft, W. B. , "TINTIN: A System for Retrieval in TextTables," Digital Libraries ‘97, pp. 193-200, Computer Science Technical Report TR97-2. [View bibtex]
IR-104: (1997) Ballesteros, L. and Croft, W. B. , "PhrasalTranslation and QueryExpansion Techniques for Cross-Language Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR97), pp. 84-91. [View bibtex]
IR-103: (1997) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Text Segmentation by Topic," Proceedings of the First European Conference on Research andAdvanced Technology for Digital Libraries, pp. 113-125,UMass Computer Science Tech Report number TR97-18. [View bibtex]
IR-99: (1996) Ballesteros, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Statistical Methods forCross-Language Information Retrieval," a Workshop at the 19th International Conference on Research and Development InformationRetrieval (SIGIR 96), Zurich, Switzerland, August 22, 1996. [View bibtex]
IR-98: (1996) Ballesteros, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Dictionary Methods forCross-Lingual Information Retrieval," Proceedings of the 7th International DEXA Conference on Database and Expert System, pp. 791-801. [View bibtex]
IR-97: (1996) Greiff, W. and Croft, W. B. , "Computational Tractable Probalistic Modeling of Boolean Operators," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR’97), pp. 119-128. [View bibtex]
IR-95: (1996) Xu, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Corpus-Based Stemming using Co-occurrence of Word Variants," ACM TOIS, Jan. 1998, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 61-81, Computer Science Technical Report TR96-67. [View bibtex]
IR-91: (1996) Lu, Z.,  Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Applying InferenceNetworks to Multiple Collection Searching," Umass Technical ReportTR96-42. [View bibtex]
IR-86: (1996) Broglio, J.,  Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Technical Issues in Building an Information Retrieval System for Chinese," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-84: (1996) Allan, J.,  Ballesteros, L.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. and Lu, Z., "Recent Experiments with INQUERY," Proceedings of the Fourth TREC Retrieval Conference (TREC-4), to be published Spring 1996. [View bibtex]
IR-83: (1996) Larkey, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Combining Classifiers in TextCategorization," Proceedings of the 19th InternationalConference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR96), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 289-297. [View bibtex]
IR-77: (1996) Xu, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Expansion Using Local and Global DocumentAnalysis," Proceedings of the 19th International Conference onResearch and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR96) ,Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 4-11. [View bibtex]
IR-76: (1996) Leouski, A. and Croft, W. B. , "An Evaluation of Techniques for Clustering Search Results," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-75: (1996) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "USeg: A Retargetable Word SegmentationProcedure for Information Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval 96 (SDAIR),pp. 77-86. UMass Technical Report TR96-2. [View bibtex]
IR-74: (1995) Croft, W. B., "What Do People Want From Information Retrieval? ," d-lib Magazine , November, 1995. [View bibtex]
IR-72: (1995) Croft, W. B.,  Broglio, J. and Fujii, H., "Applications of Multilingual Text Retrieval," the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Hawai i International Conference on System Sciences,. Digital Document Track, pp. 98-107. [View bibtex]
IR-71: (1995) Croft, W. B., "Effective Text Retrieval Based on Combining Evidence from the Corpus and User," IEEE Expert, December, 1995, pp. 59-63. [View bibtex]
IR-69: (1995) DeFazio, S.,  Daoud, A.,  Smith, L.,  Srinivasan, J., Croft, W. B. and Callan, J., "Integrating IR and RDBMS Using Cooperative Indexing," the 18th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, pp. 84-92. [View bibtex]
IR-68: (1995) Khode, A. and Croft, W. B. , "Noun Phrases for Query Formation," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-67: (1995) Aronow, D.,  Soderland, S.,  Ponte, J.,  Feng, F., Croft, W. B. and Lehnert, W., "Automated Classification of Encounter Notes in a Computer Based Medical Record," Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics, Vancouver, Canada. July,1995. pp. 8-12. [View bibtex]
IR-65: (1995) Vasanthakumar, S.,  Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Integrating INQUERY with an RDBMS to Support Text Retrieval," the Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information RetrievalPost-Conference Workshop on Information Retrieval and Databases,Seattle, WA, July 9-13, 1995. [View bibtex]
IR-64: (1995) Larkey, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Automatic Assignment of ICD9 Codes to Discharge Summaries," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-62: (1995) Croft, W. B.,  Callan, J. and Aronow, D., "Effective Access to DistributedHeterogeneous Medical Text Databases," Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics 8:1719, CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-59: (1995) Croft, W. B.,  Cook, R. and Wilder, D., "Providing Government Information on theInternet: Experiences with THOMAS," Proceedings of the Digital Libraries Conference (DL 95), Austin, TX. June 10-12, 1995, pp. 19-24. UMass Technical Report 95-45. [View bibtex]
IR-58: (1995) Callan, J.,  Lu, Z. and Croft, W. B. , "Searching Distributed Collections With Inference Networks," Proceedings from the 18th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, Seattle, WA. July 9-13,1995. [View bibtex]
IR-55: (1994) Brown, E. and Croft, W. B. , "An Approach for Improving Performance in Inference Network Based Information Retrieval," UMass Technical Report #94-73. [View bibtex]
IR-54: (1994) Croft, W. B. and Xu, J., "Corpus-Specific Stemming using Word Form Co-occurence," Proceedings for the Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis Information Retrieval, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 24-26,1995. pp. 147-159. UMass Technical Report 94-72. [View bibtex]
IR-53: (1994) Croft, W. B., "Integrating Text and Database Systems: Possibilities and Challenges," East/West 2nd International Database Workshop, Klagenfurt, Austria. [View bibtex]
IR-52: (1994) Xu, J.,  Broglio, J. and Croft, W. B. , "The Design and Implementation of a Part of Speech Tagger for English," UMass Technical Report. [View bibtex]
IR-51: (1994) Callan, J., Croft, W. B. and Broglio, J., "TREC and TIPSTER Experiments with INQUERY," Information Processing and Management, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 327-343. [View bibtex]
IR-49: (1994) Brown, E.,  Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Fast incremental indexing for full-text information retrieval.," Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Santiago, Chile. [View bibtex]
IR-48: (1994) Fujii, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Comparing the Retrieval Performance English and JapaneseText Databases," 2nd Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora,1994. [View bibtex]
IR-47: (1994) Jing, Y. and Croft, W. B. , "An Association Thesaurus for Information Retrieval," UMass Technical Report 94-17. [View bibtex]
IR-44: (1994) Broglio, J.,  Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "INQUERY System Overview," Proceedings of the TIPSTER Text Program (Phase I), San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 47-67. [View bibtex]
IR-43: (1994) Croft, W. B.,  Callan, J. and Broglio, J., "TREC-2 Routing and Ad-Hoc Retrieval Evaluation using the INQUERY System," Proceedings of the Second Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2) Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Special Publication, pp.75-84. [View bibtex]
IR-42: (1994) Croft, W. B.,  Harding, S.,  Taghva, K. and Borsack, J., "An Evaluation of Information Retrieval Accuracy with Simulated OCR Output," Symposium of Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, ISRI-UNLV. [View bibtex]
IR-41: (1994) Brown, E.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. and Moss, J., "Supporting Full-Text Information Retrieval with a Persistent Object Store," (EDBT94). [View bibtex]
IR-40: (1993) Croft, W. B., "Knowledge-Based and Statistical Approaches to Text Retrieval," IEEE Expert, April 1993, 8-12. [View bibtex]
IR-39: (1993) Rajashekar, T. and Croft, W. B. , "Combining Automatic and Manual Index Representations in Probabilistic Retrieval," JASIS. [View bibtex]
IR-38: (1993) Croft, W. B. and Utt, M., "Discovering Relationships by Feature Extractionfrom Text Databases," UMass Technical Report 93-61. [View bibtex]
IR-37: (1993) Broglio, J.,  Callan, J.,  Chmaj, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Information Retrieval in a Customer Support Situation," Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence: AI Service and Support - Bridging the Gap between Research and Applications, 17-23. [View bibtex]
IR-36: (2002) Broglio, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Query Processing for Retrieval from Large Text Bases," DARPA Human Language Technology Workshop. [View bibtex]
IR-34: (1993) Haines, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Relevance Feedback and Inference Networks," Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, 2-11. [View bibtex]
IR-33: (1993) Fujii, H. and Croft, W. B. , "A Comparison of Indexing Techniques for Japanese TextRetrieval," Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACMSIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval,237-247. [View bibtex]
IR-32: (1993) Croft, W. B. and Turtle, H., "Retrieval Strategies for Hypertext," Information Processing and Management, 29(3), 313-324. [View bibtex]
IR-31: (1993) Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "An Evaluation of Query Processing Strategies using the TIPSTER Collection," Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, 347-356. [View bibtex]
IR-30: (1993) Callan, J. and Croft, W. B. , "An Approach to Incorporating CBR Concepts in IR Systems," AAAI Spring Symposium: Case-Based Reasoning and Information Retrieval - Exploring the Opportunities for Technology Sharing, 28-34. [View bibtex]
IR-29: (1993) Belkin, N.,  Cool, C., Croft, W. B. and Callan, J., "The Effect of Multiple Query Representations on Information Retrieval System Performance," Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, pp. 339-346. [View bibtex]
IR-28: (1992) Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "A Comparison of Text Retrieval Models," Computer Journal 35(3), 279-290. [View bibtex]
IR-26: (1999) Krovetz, R. and Croft, W. B. , "Lexical Ambiguity and Information Retrieval," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10(2), 115-141. [View bibtex]
IR-25: (1998) Croft, W. B. and Turtle, H., "Text Retrieval and Inference, In Text-Based Intelligent System," Paul Jacobs (ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey,127-156. [View bibtex]
MM-25: (1998) Ravela, S.,  Manmatha, R. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieval of trademark and gray-scale images using global similarity," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-24: (1992) Croft, W. B. and Turtle, H., "Retrieval of Complex Object," Proceedings of EDBT 92,217-229. [View bibtex]
IR-23: (1992) Croft, W. B.,  Smith, L. and Turtle, H., "A Loosely Coupled Integration of a TextRetrieval System and an Object-Oriented Database System," Proceedingsof SIGIR 92, 223-232. [View bibtex]
IR-22: (1992) Croft, W. B., "The University of Massachusetts TIPSTER Project," ACM SIGIR Forum, 26(2), 29-33. [View bibtex]
IR-21: (1992) Callan, J., Croft, W. B. and Harding, S., "The INQUERY Retrieval System," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Application, 78-83. [View bibtex]
IR-20: (1992) Belkin, N. and Croft, W. B. , "Information Filtering and Information Retrieval: Two Sides of the Same Coin? ," Communications of ACM, 35(12), 29-38. [View bibtex]
IR-18: (1991) Turtle, H. and Croft, W. B. , "Efficient Probabilistic Inference for TextRetrieval," Proceedings of RIAO 3, 644-661. [View bibtex]
IR-14: (1991) Croft, W. B.,  Turtle, H. and Lewis, D., "The Use of Phrases and Structured Queries in Information Retrieval," Proceedings of SIGIR 1991, pp. 32-45. [View bibtex]
IR-13: (1990) Lewis, D. and Croft, W. B. , "Term Clustering of Syntactic Phrases," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research and Development inInformation Retrieval, 385-404. [View bibtex]
IR-11: (1990) Gay, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Interpreting Nominal Compounds for Information Retrieval ," Information Processing and Management,26(1),21-38. [View bibtex]
IR-9: (1990) Croft, W. B.,  Krovetz, R. and Turtle, H., "Interactive Retrieval of Complex Documents," Information Processing and Management, 26(5),593-613. [View bibtex]
IR-8: (1990) Croft, W. B. and Das, R., "Experiments with Query Acquisition and Use in Document Retrieval Systems," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 349-368. [View bibtex]
IR-7: (1989) Thompson, R. and Croft, W. B. , "Support for Browsing in an Intelligent Text Retrieval System ," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, #30,639-668. [View bibtex]
IR-6: (1989) Lewis, D., Croft, W. B. and Bhandaru, N., "Language-Oriented Information Retrieval," International Journal of Intelligent Systems no.4, pp. 285-318. [View bibtex]
MM-6: (1996) Manmatha, R. and Croft, W. B. , "Word Spotting: Indexing Handwritten Manuscripts," book chapter Intelligent Multi-media Information Retrieval Collection, ed. Mark Maybury, Forthcoming book. [View bibtex]
DB-6: (1994) Brown, E.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. and Moss, J., "Supporting Full-Text Information Retrieval with a Persistent Object Store," (EDBT94). [View bibtex]
IR-5: (1989) Croft, W. B. and Turtle, H., "A Retrieval Model Incorporating Hypertext Links," in Proceedings of Hypertext 8, pp. 213-224. [View bibtex]
IR-4: (1989) Croft, W. B.,  Lucia, T.,  Cringean, J. and Willett, P., "Retrieving Documents by Plausible Inference: An Experimental Study Information Processing and Management," Information Processing & Management, vol. 25, #6, 599-614. [View bibtex]
IR-3: (1988) Croft, W. B. and Savino, P., "Implementing Ranking Strategies using Text Signatures," ACM Transactions on Office Information System,#6,42-62. [View bibtex]
MM-2: (1995) Manmatha, R.,  Han, C.,  Riseman, E. and Croft, W. B. , "Indexing Handwriting Using Word Matching," Proceedings of the First ACM Internal Conference on Digital Libraries, DL 96, Bethesda, MD, March 1996, pp. 151-159.UMass Technical Report TR95-89. [View bibtex]
IR-2: (1987) Croft, W. B. and Thompson, R., "13R: A New Approach to the Design of Document Retrieval Systems," the Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 58(6) 389-404. [View bibtex]
IR-1: (1987) Belkin, N. and Croft, W. B. , "Retrieval Techniques," Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 22 M.E. Williams (ed.) . Elsevier Science Publishers, 109-145. [View bibtex]