CIIR publications authored by Stephen Soderland

IR-67: (1995) Aronow, D.,  Soderland, S.,  Ponte, J.,  Feng, F., Croft, W. B. and Lehnert, W., "Automated Classification of Encounter Notes in a Computer Based Medical Record," Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics, Vancouver, Canada. July,1995. pp. 8-12. [View bibtex]

IR-61: (1995) Aronow, D.,  Cooley, J. and Soderland, S., "AutomatedIdentification of Episodes of Asthma Exacerbation for Quality Measurement in a Computer-BasedMedical Record," Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications Medical (SCAMC),JAMIA, Supplement pp. 309-313. [View bibtex]

IE-44: (1997) Soderland, S.,  Fisher, D. and Lehnert, W., "Automatically Learnedvs. Hand-crafted Text Analysis Rules," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]

IE-43: (1996) Soderland, S., "CRYSTAL: Learning Domain-specific Text Analysis Rules," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]

IE-42: (1996) Soderland, S.,  Fisher, D. and Lehnert, W., "Learning Exceptions to Text Analysis Rules," The American Association for Artificial Intelligence. [View bibtex]

IE-40: (1996) Fisher, D.,  Soderland, S.,  McCarthy, J.,  Feng, F. and Lehnert, W., "Description of the UMass Systems as used for MUC-6," Proceedings of the 6th Message Understanding Conference, November, 1995, pp. 127-140. 1996. [View bibtex]

IE-39: (1995) Soderland, S.,  Aronow, D.,  Fisher, D.,  Aseltine, J. and Lehnert, W., "Machine Learning of Text Analysis Rules for Clinical Records," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]

IE-38: (1995) Soderland, S.,  Fisher, D.,  Aseltine, J. and Lehnert, W., "CRYSTAL: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary," Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 1314-1319. [View bibtex]

IE-37: (1995) Soderland, S.,  Fisher, D.,  Aseltine, J. and Lehnert, W., "Issues in Inductive Learning of Domain-Specific Text Extraction Rules," Proceedings of the Workshop on New Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing at the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [View bibtex]

IE-35: (1995) Soderland, S. and Lehnert, W., "Learning Domain-Specific Discourse Rules for Information Extraction," 1995 AAAI Spring Symposium on Empirical Methods Discourse Interpretation and Generation. [161,729 bytes]. [View bibtex]

IE-34: (1994) Soderland, S. and Lehnert, W., "Wrap Up: a Trainable Discourse Module for Information Extraction," Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 1994. [View bibtex]

IE-32: (1994) Lehnert, W.,  Soderland, S.,  Aronow, D.,  Feng, F. and Shmueli, A., "Inductive Text Classification for Medical Applications," the Journal for Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI). 7(1),pp. 49-80, 1994. [View bibtex]

IE-30: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description of the CIRCUS System Used for MUC-5," Proceedings of the Fifth Message Understanding Conference, pp. 277-291. [View bibtex]

IE-29: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description ofthe CIRCUS System Used for TIPSTER Text Extraction," Proceedingsof the TIPSTER Text Phase I 24-Month Conference, Executive Review,pp. 69-71. [View bibtex]

IE-28: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description of the CIRCUS System Used for TIPSTER Text Extraction," Proceedings of the TIPSTER Text Phase I 24-Month Conference, pp. 241-256. [View bibtex]

IE-26: (1994) Soderland, S. and Lehnert, W., "Corpus-Driven Knowledge Acquisition for Discourse Analysis," Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 827-832. [View bibtex]

IE-18: (1995) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "Evaluating an Information Extraction System," (Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering), 1(6), 453-472. [View bibtex]

IE-13: (1992) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "University of Massachusetts: MUC-4 Test Results and Analysis," Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference,151-158. [View bibtex]

IE-12: (1992) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "University of Massachusetts: Description of the CIRCUS System as usedfor MUC-4," Proceedings of the Fourth Message UnderstandingConference, 282-288. [View bibtex]