CIIR publications authored by Leah Larkey

IR-422: (2005) Larkey, L.,  Ballesteros, L. and Connell, M., "Light Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval," Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical Methods, A.Soudi, A. van den Bosch, and Neumann, G., Editors. Kluwer/Springer's series on Text, Speech, and Language Technology. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-405: (2005) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Smucker, M. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Novelty and HARD," the Online Proceedings of 2004 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004) [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-378: (2004) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Metzler, D.,  Smucker, M.,  Strohman, T.,  Turtle, H. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Notebook ," Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004). [View bibtex]

IR-343: (2004) Larkey, L.,  Feng, F.,  Connell, M. and Lavrenko, V., "Language-specific Models in Multilingual Topic Tracking," Proceedings of SIGIR '04, pp. 402-409. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-312: (2003) Larkey, L.,  Connell, M. and AbdulJaleel, N., "Hindi CLIR in Thirty Days," Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing Rapid Development of Language Capabilities: The Surprise Languages, issue editor Douglas W. Oard, pp. 130-142. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-293: (2003) AbdulJaleel, N. and Larkey, L., "Statistical Transliteration for English-Arabic Cross-Language Information Retrieval," Proceedings of CIKM ’03, pp. 139-146. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-292: (2003) Larkey, L. and Connell, M., "Structured Queries, Language Modeling, and Relevance Modeling in Cross-Language Information Retrieval," IP&M journal. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-278: (2003) Larkey, L.,  AbdulJaleel, N. and Connell, M., "What’s in a Name?: Proper Names in Arabic Cross Language Information Retrieval," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-272: (2002) Larkey, L.,  Allan, J.,  Connell, M.,  Bolivar, A. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2002: Cross Language and Novelty Tracks, ," Proceedings (notebook version) of the TREC 2002 , pp. 43-55. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-261: (2002) AbdulJaleel, N. and Larkey, L., "English to Arabic Transliteration for Information Retrieval: A Statistical Approach," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-254: (2002) Larkey, L. and Connell, M., "Arabic Information Retrieval at UMass in TREC-10 ," Proceedings of TREC-10, pp. 562-570. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-249: (2002) Larkey, L.,  Ballesteros, L. and Connell, M., "Improving Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval: Light Stemming and Co-occurrence Analysis," Proceedings of SIGIR 2002, pp. 269-274. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-215: (2000) Larkey, L.,  Connell, M. and Callan, J., "Collection Selection and Results Merging with Topically Organized U.S. Patents and TREC Data," Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Knowledge and Management, pp. 282-289. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-186: (2000) Larkey, L.,  Ogilvie, P.,  Price, M. and Tamilio, B., "Acrophile: An Automated Acronym Extractor and Server," Proceedings of Digital Libraries 2000 (DL00), pp. 205-214. [View bibtex]

IR-162: (1999) Larkey, L., "A Patent Search and Classification System," Proceedings of The Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries (DL 99), pp. 179-187. [View bibtex]

IR-135: (1998) Larkey, L., "Some Issues in the Automatic Classification of US Patents," Papers from the 1998 Workshop, AAAI Press, Technical Report WS-98-05, pp 87-90. [View bibtex]

IR-121: (1998) Larkey, L., "Automated Essay Grading using Text Categorization Techniques," SIGIR 98, pp. 90-95. [View bibtex]

IR-83: (1996) Larkey, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Combining Classifiers in TextCategorization," Proceedings of the 19th InternationalConference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR96), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 289-297. [View bibtex]

IR-64: (1995) Larkey, L. and Croft, W. B. , "Automatic Assignment of ICD9 Codes to Discharge Summaries," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]