CIIR publications authored by Matthew Dovey

IR-326: (2003) Pickens, J.,  Bello, J.,  Monti, G.,  Sandler, M.,  Crawford, T.,  Dovey, M. and Byrd, D., "Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: a Harmonic Modeling Approach," the Journal of New Music Research, vol. 32, number 2, June 2003, pp. 223-236. [View bibtex]

IR-270: (2002) Pickens, J.,  Bello, J.,  Monti, G.,  Crawford, T.,  Dovey, M.,  Sandler, M. and Byrd, D., "Polyphonic Score Retrieval Using Polyphonic Audio Queries: A Harmonic Modeling Approach," Proceedings of ISMIR ‘02 conference, pp. 140-149. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]