CIIR publications authored by Claire Cardie

IE-30: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description of the CIRCUS System Used for MUC-5," Proceedings of the Fifth Message Understanding Conference, pp. 277-291. [View bibtex]

IE-29: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description ofthe CIRCUS System Used for TIPSTER Text Extraction," Proceedingsof the TIPSTER Text Phase I 24-Month Conference, Executive Review,pp. 69-71. [View bibtex]

IE-28: (1993) Lehnert, W.,  McCarthy, J.,  Soderland, S.,  Riloff, E.,  Cardie, C.,  Peterson, J.,  Feng, F.,  Dolan, C. and Goldman, S., "UMASS/HUGHES: Description of the CIRCUS System Used for TIPSTER Text Extraction," Proceedings of the TIPSTER Text Phase I 24-Month Conference, pp. 241-256. [View bibtex]

IE-20: (1993) Cardie, C., "Using Decision Trees to Improve Case-Based Learning," Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of Machine Learning, 25-32. [View bibtex]

IE-19: (1993) Cardie, C., "A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition for Domain-Specific Sentence Analysis," Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 798-803. [View bibtex]

IE-18: (1995) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "Evaluating an Information Extraction System," (Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering), 1(6), 453-472. [View bibtex]

IE-13: (1992) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "University of Massachusetts: MUC-4 Test Results and Analysis," Proceedings of the Fourth Message Understanding Conference,151-158. [View bibtex]

IE-12: (1992) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  McCarthy, J.,  Riloff, E. and Soderland, S., "University of Massachusetts: Description of the CIRCUS System as usedfor MUC-4," Proceedings of the Fourth Message UnderstandingConference, 282-288. [View bibtex]

IE-9: (1992) Cardie, C., "Learning to Disambiguate Relative Pronouns," Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38-43. [View bibtex]

IE-8: (1992) Cardie, C., "Using Cognitive Biases to Guide Feature Set Selection," Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 743-748. [View bibtex]

IE-7: (1992) Cardie, C., "Using Cognitive Biases to Guide Feature Set Selection," AAAI Workshop on Constrained Learning with Prior Knowledge, 11-18. [View bibtex]

IE-6: (1992) Cardie, C., "Corpus-Based Acquisition of Relative Pronoun Disambiguation Heuristics," Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Associationfor Computational Linguistics, 216-223. [View bibtex]

IE-4: (1991) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  Riloff, E. and Williams, R., "University of Massachusetts: MUC-3 Test Results and Analysis," Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference, 116-119. [View bibtex]

IE-3: (1991) Lehnert, W.,  Cardie, C.,  Fisher, D.,  Riloff, E. and Williams, R., "University ofMassachusetts: Description of the CIRCUS System as used for MUC-3," Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference,223-233. [View bibtex]

IE-1: (1991) Cardie, C. and Lehnert, W., "A Cognitively Plausible Approach to UnderstandingComplex Syntax," Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference onArtificial Intelligence, 117-124. [View bibtex]