CIIR publications authored by Edwina L. Rissland

CB-29: (1997) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "Integrating IR and CBR toLocate Relevant Texts and Passages," Workshop onLegal Systems, Toulouse, France, September 1-2, 1997. [View bibtex]

CB-28: (1997) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "What you saw is what you want: Using Cases to Seed Information Retrieval," the Second International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-97), Providence, RI, July 25-27, 1997. [View bibtex]

CB-27: (1997) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "Finding legally relevant passages in case opinions," The Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 97), pp. 52-61. [View bibtex]

CB-26: (1997) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "Locating Passages Using a Case-Base ofExcerpts," 20th International Conference on Research andDevelopment Information Retrieval (SIGIR 97) , Philadelphia, PA,July 27-31, 1997. [View bibtex]

CB-25: (1997) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "SPIRE: A hybridCBR-IR system to locate relevant passages within texts," Submitted to14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97) ,Providence, RI, July 27-31, 1997. [View bibtex]

CB-22: (1996) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "Evaluating a Legal Argument Program: The BankXX Experiments.," Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law. [View bibtex]

CB-21: (1996) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "BankXX: Supporting Legal Arguments throughHeuristic Retrieval.," Journal ofArtificial Intelligenceand Law . [View bibtex]

CB-20: (1995) Rissland, E. and Daniels, J., "Using CBR to Drive IR.," Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95), 400-407. Montreal, Canada. [View bibtex]

IR-19: (1995) Rissland, E. and Friedman, M., "Detecting Change in Legal Concepts.," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on AI and Law, (ICAIL-95). 127-136. College Park, MD. [View bibtex]

CB-19: (1995) Rissland, E. and Friedman, M., "Detecting Change in Legal Concepts.," Proceedingsof the Fifth International Conference on AI and Law, (ICAIL-95). 127-136. College Park, MD. [View bibtex]

CB-17: (1995) Rissland, E. and Daniels, J., "A Hybrid CBR-IR Approach to Legal Information Retrieval.," InProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on AI and Law, (ICAIL-95), 52-61. College Park, MD. [View bibtex]

CB-16: (1995) Daniels, J. and Rissland, E., "ACase-Based Approach to Intelligent Information Retrieval," inProceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIGIR Conference on Researchand Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR-95),238-245. Seattle, WA. [View bibtex]

CB-15: (1993) Rissland, E. and Brodley, C., "Training Issues in Incremental Learning," (Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium , Stanford, CA). [View bibtex]

CB-14: (1993) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "Using Heuristic Search to RetrieveCases that Support Arguments," (Proceedings of the Eleventh NationalConference for Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Case-BasedReasoning, Washington, DC). [View bibtex]

CB-13: (1993) Rissland, E.,  Daniels, J.,  Rubinstein, Z. and Skalak, D., "Diagnostic CaseRetreival Guided by Evaluation and Feedback," (Proceedings of theEleventh National Conference for Artifical Intelligence, Workshop onCase-Based Reasoning, Washington, DC). July 1993,pp. 135-140. [View bibtex]

CB-12: (1993) Rissland, E.,  Daniels, J.,  Rubinstein, Z. and Skalak, D., "Case-Based DiagnosticAnalysis in a Blackboard Architecture," (Proceedings of the EleventhNational Conference for Artificial Intelligence, Washington,DC). [View bibtex]

CB-9: (1993) Brodley, C. and Rissland, E., "Measuring Concept Change," Working Notesof the AAAI-93 Spring Symposium on Training Issues IncrementalLearning, 98-107. [View bibtex]

CB-7: (1992) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "Case Retrieval through Multiple Indexing and Heuristic Search," (Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chambery, Savoie, France). [View bibtex]

CB-6: (1992) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "Case-based Argument Generation as Search," (AAAI). [View bibtex]

CB-5: (1992) Rissland, E.,  Skalak, D. and Friedman, M., "BankXX: A Program to Generate Argumentthrough Case-based Search," (Proceedings of the Fourth InternationalConference on AI and Law, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). [View bibtex]

CB-4: (1992) Skalak, D. and Rissland, E., "Using Case-based Reasoning to Extend the Expertise ofExpert Systems," Expert Systems Law, A. Martino (ed.), ElsevierScience Publishers, 321-338. [View bibtex]

CB-3: (1992) Skalak, D. and Rissland, E., "Arguments and Cases: An Inevitable Intertwining," Artificial Intelligence and Law 1, 3-44. [View bibtex]

CB-2: (1990) Rissland, E., "Artificial Intelligence and Law: Stepping Stones to a Model of LegalReasoning," The Yale Law Journal 99(8),1957-1982. [View bibtex]

CB-1: (1984) Rissland, E., "Ingredients of Intelligent User Interfaces," Int J Man-MachineStudies 21(4), 377-388. [View bibtex]