CIIR publications authored by Robert Krovetz

IR-82: (1995) Krovetz, R., "Word Sense Disambiguation for Large Text Databases," Ph.D. dissertation. [View bibtex]

IR-35: (1993) Krovetz, R., "Viewing Morphology as an Inference Process," Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development Information Retrieval, 191-203. [View bibtex]

IR-27: (1992) Krovetz, R., "Sense-Linking in a Machine Readable Dictionary," Proceedings of the 30th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 330-332. [View bibtex]

IR-26: (1999) Krovetz, R. and Croft, W. B. , "Lexical Ambiguity and Information Retrieval," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10(2), 115-141. [View bibtex]

IR-15: (1991) Krovetz, R., "Lexical Acquisition and Information Retrieval," In Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-Line Resources to Build a Lexicon., U. Zernik (ed.), Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, 45-64. [View bibtex]

IR-12: (1990) Krovetz, R., "Viewing the Dictionary as a Classification System," Proceedings of the First ASIS Classification Workshop, 87-93. [View bibtex]

IR-10: (1990) Forster, D. and Krovetz, R., "Natural Language Generation and Machine-Readable Dictionaries," Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the UW Center for the New Oxford English Dictionary, Waterloo, 79-94. [View bibtex]

IR-9: (1990) Croft, W. B.,  Krovetz, R. and Turtle, H., "Interactive Retrieval of Complex Documents," Information Processing and Management, 26(5),593-613. [View bibtex]