CIIR publications authored by Natasha Mohanty

IR-535: (2006) McCallum, A.,  Wang, X. and Mohanty, N., "Joint Group and Topic Discovery from Relations and Text," in Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues and New Directions, edited by A. Goldenberg, E. Airoldi, S. Fienberg, A. Zheng, D. Blei and E. Xing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4503, pp. 28-44, 2007. [View bibtex]

IR-516: (2006) Wang, X.,  Mohanty, N. and McCallum, A., "Group and Topic Discovery from Relations and Their Attributes," Proceedings of NIPS 2005, pp. 1449-1456. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-438: (2005) Wang, X.,  Mohanty, N. and McCallum, A., "Group and Topic Discovery from Relations and Text," Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Workshop on Link Discovery: Issues, Approaches and Applications(LinkKDD), pp. 28-35. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

MM-380: (2005) Mohanty, N.,  Rath, T.,  Lee, A. and Manmatha, R., "Learning Shapes for Classification and Retrieval," the Proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), pp. 589-598. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]