IR-356: (2003) Allan, J.,  Aslam, J.,  Belkin, N.,  Buckley, C.,  Callan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Dumais, S.,  Fuhr, N.,  Harman, D.,  Harper, D.,  Hiemstra, D.,  Hofmann, T.,  Hovy, E.,  Kraaij, W.,  Lafferty, J.,  Lavrenko, V.,  Lewis, D.,  Liddy, L.,  Manmatha, R.,  McCallum, A.,  Ponte, J.,  Prager, J.,  Radev, D.,  Resnik, P.,  Robertson, S.,  Rosenfeld, R.,  Roukos, S.,  Sanderson, M.,  Schwartz, R.,  Singhal, A.,  Smeaton, A.,  Turtle, H.,  Voorhees, E.,  Weischedel, R.,  Xu, J. and Zhai, C., "Challenges in Information Retrieval Language Modeling," SIGIR Forum, Spring 2003, Volume 37 Number 1. [View bibtex]
IR-190: (2000) Ponte, J., "Language Models for Relevance Feedback," Advances Information Retrieval: Recent Research from the CIIR, W. Bruce Croft, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 3, pp. 73-95. (Online version not available.). [View bibtex]
IR-148: (1998) Ponte, J., "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval," Ph.D. dissertation. [View bibtex]
IR-145: (1998) Greiff, W. and Ponte, J., "The Maximum Entropy Approach and Probabilistic IR Models," ACM Transcations on Information Systems (TOIS), vol.18, number 3, July, 2000, pp. 246-287. [View bibtex]
IR-120: (1998) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval," SIGIR 98, pp. 275-281. [View bibtex]
IR-103: (1997) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Text Segmentation by Topic," Proceedings of the First European Conference on Research andAdvanced Technology for Digital Libraries, pp. 113-125,UMass Computer Science Tech Report number TR97-18. [View bibtex]
IR-75: (1996) Ponte, J. and Croft, W. B. , "USeg: A Retargetable Word SegmentationProcedure for Information Retrieval," in the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval 96 (SDAIR),pp. 77-86. UMass Technical Report TR96-2. [View bibtex]
IR-67: (1995) Aronow, D.,  Soderland, S.,  Ponte, J.,  Feng, F., Croft, W. B. and Lehnert, W., "Automated Classification of Encounter Notes in a Computer Based Medical Record," Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics, Vancouver, Canada. July,1995. pp. 8-12. [View bibtex]