CIIR publications authored by Jangwon Seo

IR-921: (2011) Lee, J.,  Seo, J.,  Jeon, J. and Rim, H., "Sentence-Based Relevance Flow Analysis for High Accuracy Retrieval," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 1666-1675, 2011. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-881: (2012) Kim, Y.,  Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Automatic suggestion of phrasal-concept queries for literature search," Information Processing and Management, 50 (2014) 568–583. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-842: (2011) Seo, J., "Search Using Social Media Structures," Ph.D. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-822: (2011) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Online Community Search Using Conversational Structures," Information Retrieval, Volume 14, Issue 6 (2011), Page 547-571. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-821: (2011) Seo, J.,  Diaz, F.,  Gabrilovich, E.,  Josifovski, V. and Pang, B., "Generalized Link Suggestions via Web Site Clustering," Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011)Hyderabad, India, March 28–April 1, 2011, pp. 77-86. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-811: (2011) Kim, Y.,  Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Automatic Boolean Query Suggestion for Professional Search," Proceedings of SIGIR '11, pp. 825-834. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-759: (2010) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Unsupervised Estimation of Dirichlet Smoothing Parameters," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), pp. 759-760. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-752: (2010) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Geometric Representations for Multiple Documents," Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), pp. 251-258. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-747: (2009) Cartright, M.,  Seo, J. and Lease, M., "UMass Amherst and UT Austin @ The TREC 2009 Relevance Feedback Track ," Notebook Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2009) Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, Nov 17-20, 2009. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-733: (2010) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Kim, K. and Lee, J., "Smoothing Click Counts for Aggregated Vertical Search," Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011), pp. 387-398. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-731: (2009) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Thread-based Expert Finding," SIGIR 2009 Workshop on Search in Social Media (SSM 2009) Boston, Massachusetts, July 23, 2009. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-715: (2009) Seo, J. and Jeon, J., "High Precision Retrieval Using Relevance-Flow Graph," Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2009), pp. 694-695. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-704: (2009) Seo, J., Croft, W. B. and Smith, D., "Online Community Search Using Thread Structure," Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), pp. 1907-1910. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-694: (2009) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2008 Blog Distillation Task," in the electronic Proceedings of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) 2008, Gaithersburg MD, Nov. 18-21, 2008. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-653: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Local Text Reuse Detection," Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2008), pp. 571-578. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-632: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "UMass at TREC 2007 Blog Distillation Task," in the electronic Proceedings of the Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) 2007 Gaithersburg, MD, November 6-9, 2007. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-626: (2008) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Blog Site Search Using Resource Selection ," Proceedings of the ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 1053-1062. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]

IR-570: (2007) Seo, J. and Croft, W. B. , "Homepage Search in Blog Collections," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]