IR-405: (2005) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Smucker, M. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Novelty and HARD," the Online Proceedings of 2004 Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004) [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-396: (2005) Wade, C. and Allan, J., "Passage Retrieval and Evaluation," CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-378: (2004) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Allan, J., Croft, W. B. ,  Diaz, F.,  Larkey, L.,  Li, X.,  Metzler, D.,  Smucker, M.,  Strohman, T.,  Turtle, H. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2004: Notebook ," Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004). [View bibtex]
IR-321: (2003) AbdulJaleel, N.,  Corrada-Emmanuel, A.,  Li, Q.,  Liu, X.,  Wade, C. and Allan, J., "UMass at TREC 2003: HARD and QA (Notebook version) ," Notebook Proceedings of TREC 2003, NIST special publication number 500-255, pp. 715-725. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-280: (2003) Allan, J.,  Wade, C. and Bolivar, A., "Retrieval and Novelty Detection at the Sentence Level," Proceedings of SIGIR ’03 Conference, pp. 314-321. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-272: (2002) Larkey, L.,  Allan, J.,  Connell, M.,  Bolivar, A. and Wade, C., "UMass at TREC 2002: Cross Language and Novelty Tracks, ," Proceedings (notebook version) of the TREC 2002 , pp. 43-55. [View Abstract] [View bibtex]
IR-264: (2002) Allan, J.,  Bolivar, A. and Wade, C., "Using Text Categorization to Measure the Impact of News on Public Opinion," CIIR Technical Report. [View bibtex]