CIIR publications authored by Brendon Cahoon

IR-136: (1998) Lu, Z.,  McKinley, K. and Cahoon, B., "The Hardware/Software Balancing Act for Information Retrieval on Symmetric Multiprocessors," EuroPar98, pp. 521-527. UMass technical report TR98-25. [View bibtex]

IR-113: (1997) Lu, Z.,  McKinley, K. and Cahoon, B., "A Performance Evaluation ofParallel Information Retrieval on Symmetrical Multiprocessors," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference for Data Engineering,(ICDE98), Orlando, FL, February 23-27, 1998. [View bibtex]

IR-81: (1996) Cahoon, B. and McKinley, K., "An Architecture for DistributedInformation Retrieval," Proceedings of the 19th InternationalConference on Research and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR96), Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 110-118. [View bibtex]

IR-60: (1995) Cahoon, B. and McKinley, K., "Performance Analysis of Distributed Information Retrieval Architectures," UMass Tech Report #95-54. [View bibtex]